
First and foremost, a quality product is one that conforms to specification. At Frontier Optics, we guarantee that products leaving our manufacturers’ factories conform to your specifications.

  • Our manufacturers’ factories are ISO 9001:2000 certified.
  • Frontier Optics’ manufacturers are equipped with metrology instrumentation consistent with best practice measurements.
  • For higher performance components, our manufacturers have advanced measurement instrumentation such as a Moller-Wedel phase-measuring interferometer and a Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer.
  • Our manufacturers use only the optical glasses specified and will not substitute glasses without a customer’s permission. We forward glass certifications to our customers.
  • Quality inspection is conducted in accordance with best practices and / or customers’ specifications in the case of special requirements
  • Frontier optics’ manufacturers provide written quality documentation with shipments, which confirm the products’ conformance to specification.

Frontier Optics also considers quality to be an important element of the relationship we develop with our customers. To us, high quality relationships mean:

  • Frontier Optics has an obligation to select the highest quality, most dependable suppliers who offer competitive prices and the best overall value.
  • We understand that customers don’t like operating in the dark – especially if there’s an issue - and we pledge to communicate promptly, openly and honestly.
  • We remain uncompromising regarding our honesty, ethics and policy of dealing with customers in an open, straightforward manner.
  • In the unlikely event of a issue, we pledge to work closely and diligently with you and our factories to promptly resolve the problem. We’re right here in the USA to assist you!